Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Egg Pictures!

So How fun is this...
5 days worth of effort on the girls' part = 14 eggs.

I told the MAN and BOY that they could have eggs after I got my first dozen. So this morning, we had eggs!

The first Americauna egg was a double yolk, as I had suspected.

And one of the buffy eggs was a double also.

The general opinion: We like home grown eggs!


Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! I'm so happy for you. Do they taste any different than store bought eggs? My sis will be jealous. As of now I don't think they have any eggs. I should tell her they need a chicken to teach them. I'm glad your chickens are feeling better. We are wanting to order a bed (loft)for Luke. I'll go on your website. Merry Christmas, DeAnne Prosek

Niki said...

I love eggs! Those big one would make excellent deviled eggs.