Monday, September 26, 2011

Freezer Camp

New Leghorns & Mallard 9/25
Today is the day...sad day!

Duck Stew (younger drake) and Hen, and 8 of our older layers (including our 1st Buffy) are all going to freezer camp.  We are very solemn about this (despite how we describe it) as we know these wonderful birds will feed us this winter.  They have been loved (mostly) and we hate to see them go.

We also picked up from really inexpensive roos and hens from a lady about 20 minutes away, yesterday.  They are white leghorns (white layers).  The roos will also go to camp, and the hens will go into the flock.  She also gave us a cute mallard cross.  That brings the duck breed count up to 3.  I need to update the sidebar count. 
Boy & Mal


Niki said...

I like mallards; thet're pretty. I didn't think that they tasted very good, though.

Rea said...

We're not going to eat Mal.