Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Big Harvest

Today we had our first big harvest out of the garden...Green beans...with a few wax beans for fun.  Also we picked the first set of cucumbers.  I have a few acorn squash that are close to being ready to pick! 

We got about 4 pounds of beans and 2 pounds of cucumbers.  I snapped and blanched the beans and packaged them to freeze, except a pound for dinner.  Two of the cucumbers were cut up for cucumber/tomato salad for dinner.

We went to the farmer's market this morning and despite the downpour (that said was going to stop at 9am--it didn't) we had a great time.  I talked to a lady selling jelly and have some great new ideas and recipes!  And...I know there are a million jars of jelly in this house...but I bought 2 more.  We also purchased a rhubarb plant so I can use it for jelly next year, more pickling cucumbers for Man's lacto-fermentation process, early tomatoes (in tonight's salad) red onions, and yellow squash (grilled for dinner), OH, and homemade horseradish!!  Very yummy on my hamburger!!

Came home from the farmer's market and went back to bed.  I am still really wiped out a lot of the time.  The spirit is willing and all that!  I have been wanting to write blog posts and actually plan them out in my mind, but the time it takes to get them down....well, let's just say, I finally understand the appeal of the limited characters on facebook!


Niki said...

those cukes look great!

Anonymous said...

mmmm green beans/taters/ham - my favorite!!! those cucumbers look huge! what did your mom used to do with sliced cucumbers? some creamy sauce...would love to know how she did that - can't remember.....