Monday, May 16, 2011


You may have remembered my summer of jelly canning craziness....yes? So I was talking to a friend about some of the unique jellies that I want to try this year.  Another new friend was listening in...and said "What about doing some NORMAL jelly??" 

My friend explained that I canned over 300 jars of "normal" jelly last year and probably still had about 1/2 left after all the Christmas gifts...I loved the stunned new friends face at the number of jars of jelly we did!

So I was relating this conversation to my DH tonight as I was starting to prepare my "fruit" for my first jelly of this year (Stay tuned for the post tomorrow...or the next day...or...) and bless his heart.  He said, "Last year was "normal" jelly...this year it's ARTISIAN jelly."  SMOOCH!  Doncha just love him?!?

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