I had all these wonderful intentions of weekly updates of the month of nothing, etc...and the month flew by. Winter is supposed to be a farmers s l o w time...not so much I guess.
It passed quickly because I had some fun to anticipate! I went away last weekend and left my guys in charge of the farm!! Trepidation. But they managed wonderfully without me (so now I know that I can take more weekends off?~?) Boy did all the milking and Man did all the milk and Boy running. I was nervous when I didn't hear from them for extended periods of time...and all did not go smoothly (Cows out, MooSteer refusing to go into his stall) but we are going to call it a WIN!
And the bonus is that I get to mark quite a few things off the 101 list!!!
*Go to Maryland to see 'colie
*Have a retreat weekend with 'colie
And completed 52 of my 143 pages that need completed including half of the Arizona trip