Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ah...the coney sauce

When I was about 13, my parents bought an ice cream shop, along with it a proprietary coney sauce recipe that I still do not have.  I've been told it will be willed to me.  So my mom gives me packets of spices and from that I can make a MASSIVE batch of sauce.  I remember making the sauce and you have to squish oodles of raw hamburger with a bunch of tomato paste.  It's not the nicest job in the world.  And pictures are a must!!

Unfortunately, due to a minor miscommunication...the 7 pints of water that should be added was communicated as 7 quarts.  ahem...yes that is a bit of a difference.  So our coney sauce simmered for almost 3 days to get rid of all the water.  It still tasted great though!!

1 comment:

Niki said...

I believe i have pictures of me doing that.