Sunday, December 19, 2010

Early Hard Winter

The cold came in fast!!  It went from 40* to 5* in a day....unfortunately, the animals did not take well to the quick temperature change.  We have lost all the Californian Rabbits except Robbie.  And we also lost Sweetie (the lop).  So far, we have lost 3 guineas (both the white ones) and 14 hens (mostly the newish Americaunas) and Gibby Gabby.  Most all we lost the same night...the first really cold one.  It's disappointing because we did have the coop winterized.  It's continued to be frigid and we have not lost any more in the past 4 nights, so hopefully the worst is over.

Here it is the beginning of Christmas week.  I can't believe I haven't posted since Thanksgiving.  Sorry about that!  2011 will be better!  I promise.  I will be posting regularly for a few different topics.  I've been coming up with my plans for the blog and the new year.  As I posted before, I will be blogging for an online "newpaper." and the articles will also be posted here.  I am mainly a homeschooling examiner, but will be posting on some other topics as watch for homeschooling articles.  I've also come up with some "themes" to keep me posting on a regular basis.  I will also be doing some reviews of products and will be able to do giveaways as well!  WOOT!  So start commenting.  The more comments I have, the more products I'm given to review and give away!

Here are some things to look forward to:
Made from Scratch Mondays
"Wordless Wednesday" (This is from another blog carnival)
Field Trip Friday
Homesteading Homeschool

Let me know what you would like to see....


Niki said...

So sorry about the cold deaths. I guess i'm really surprised by the rabbits cause they have fur and all. hope the die-off is over.
I'm excited to see what you do with the on-line articles. As for content, i really like the farm and homesteading updates and pictures of my godson.

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW! I think those all sound interesting...I can't wait to read them all! Hope your Christmas was warm & merry :-D SO sorry to hear about the cold hand in your coop. that's disheartening - but maybe there's a light to this dark, it just isn't ready to shine just yet. all in good time, right?
Well - this is just a quick touch to say hello, Merry Christmas, & I Love You! So I'm off to the daily bustle.. kisses to you & the boys! Foxy