Monday, June 22, 2009

T minus 6 days.....

6 days before I rejoin the workforce and become a productive worker. *snort, giggle* No really. I am planning on working hard when I get back...but that would imply that I am not working hard now...wouldn't it?!

So we ended up with 5 showings on Thursday instead of 4. 1 on Friday, 1 on Saturday. But we haven't heard ANYTHING yet.

Today I put my schedule into overdrive...I have so much I want to get done in the next 6 days. It doesn't sound like much but I worked all day on the Boy's room. He has the huge storage closet that runs the length of his room and a step up. It's our "attic" storage. It was FULL! I took the crib and changing table out for the yard sale and it's been in the shed while I waited for a serious flake to come pick it up. Finally I reposted it on Craigslist last night and a guy that works for Rolls Royce came by this morning and bought it and the dresser (so of course I'm frantically tossing all of the Boy's clothes OUT of the dresser as he was on his way! So since MAN is working on building his first dresser for a customer and BOYs is next, I had to find a place for all that stuff and all the jazz in the closet. I ended up spending almost 8 hours in his room today!

Then I went to pick up a computer I bought for him on Craigslist (I haven't mentioned in a while how much I heart Craigslist...) It was a screaming deal $50!!! And it has XP! WOOHOO! Came with the monitor, mouse, keyboard too. Plus, he gave me another one for FREE. He said "give this one for the kid. You keep the other!" So maybe I will be able to upload pictures soon!!! (If not on the new computer, then maybe when I get back will be a good productive employee!)

The I planted 3 more plants in my Mother's Day Topsy Turvy. We now have 3 tomatoes, 1 green pepper (sorry, cole! Need it for salsa) Cilantro, and Parsley. Also, the funnest thing happened...where we wintered the chickens has become a voluntary garden! All winter we dumped straw and sawdust in to keep their feet dry. I also feed them pumpkins from harvest time. And leftovers. We have about 12 voluntary tomato plants, and about that many pumpkin plants. And they are doing great. I put one tomato in the Turvy. And put 3 into pots (so if we move we can take them along) and I planted one pumpking into a pot.

The BOY and I moved two bales of straw from winter over to the potato patch. We got 3 eggs today. The peas have blossoms, and we have two huge Zucchini plants. We've been nibbling the strawberries and raspberries as they've been getting ripe, but don't have enough to "do" anything with them.

I cleaned the oven and put up new curtains in the downstairs bathroom. With all the showings, this is the longest our house has been this clean. Oh, had I told you that after my massive yard sale (the best one I've EVER had) I had to buy a vaccum. Yeah. I killed the other one...decisively! Ping POW..something broke on told me what it was. Oh well. So I have a new one that everyone "fights" to use, which considering we have been showing on a daily's already well used.

What else, went to the grocery store. I will be running out in the morning to pick up about 500 square feet of sod from a guy from...say it together...Craigslist. I just got off the phone with him. Another out of control deal! Oh, and I'm picking up training wheels from a lady on Freecycle. Why training wheels you ask...we're going to put wheels on the coop to make it move easier!

List for tomorrow:
Powerwash deck and table. (DONE)
Powerwash front patio.
Stain deck.
Lay sod. (DONE)
Weed strawberry garden. (DONE)
Weed BOY garden (Flower garden with a statue someone gave us of a little boy, when BOY was born) (DONE)
Weed raspberry patch. (1/2 DONE)

And we are having a few guys out to grind out the end of the drive near the garage and put in drainage. Yes after 7 years of the garage flooding every time it rained..and making MAN crazy, it's finally going to get done. AND we have to get the garage door replaced. The garage door opener popped the center board of our rickety door off.
Pictures of BOY Powerwashing the deck!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh my....

So yesterday was wonderful! I reconnected with an old friend I hadn't talked to in a few years (!) and just as I thought, it was like the time had not even passed! Happy Birthday, girl!

No showings today that ended up rescheduling for tomorrow (blessing as I have a migraine) but the phone is just ringing off the hook! We actually have FOUR showings tomorrow!!! And one on Friday. Man and Boy will be going to Cleveland on Friday (and then Amish country) to do a delivery and Amish country to 1-Meet with our wood supplier 2- buy GOOD cheese 3-Go to Lehmans, the best store for folks like us trying to get back to basics. They're going to bring me a catalog!

Say a prayer for one of the lookers to become a buyer!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

House Showings!

So we listed the house with Judy Gang, our realtor (the family realtor, really-she's helped my parents buy/sell multiple houses, helped us buy this one) on Friday afternoon. By Sunday morning we had a showing. Then another on Monday (that ended up changing their mind....after I ran around vaccuming and basically stash n dash). But it ended up being for the good, as the folks that came on Sunday came again for another showing last evening. Their kids played with Zachary and they looked for over an hour and then we chatted with them until the misquitos ended up driving everyone away.

We really like these folks and can picture them loving this house like we have. The man works with a contract group that supports the printers at MY work. And the wife works at the building right in front of mine. They have two wonderful twin boys that are about Zachary's age. So we have sent up prayers that we may get another--more reasonable--offer. She wants to live in the country, him the this is a good compromise. Pray please!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We did get an offer...a ridiculous offer! Basically $3000 less than what we still owe on it AND they want us to pay all the closing costs, etc. So we will be listing the house with Judy Gang today...and going on with the search.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What's gone on...

I can't believe I haven't posted yet in much has already gone on! Let's see.

I joined Urban Active and have taken my first aquacize class. It went very well. And I really did work. My calves hurt for 4 days afterwards! Class again today.

Curriculum sale went well! I only bought $3.50 worth of stuff and sold about 1/3 of my stuff. (and gave a bunch away). So I came back with half. And was able to return all the dishes from the wonderful ladies that fed me and my family while I was laid up.

My sister is doing well. Still in pain, but recovering. I'll be running over to her house tomorrow to check on her. My grandma, however, just went into the hospital. SO I will need to run out to Riverside again to see what's going on with all that.

Man, Boy and I built a new tractor for the babies. The chickies are doing well and getting BIG!

Well, I FINALLY had my yard sale on Friday and Saturday! The only two days it didn't rain! And it was GORGEOUS out! Not too hot, not too cool, very sunny and low humidity! OK, I realize...too many !!!! But it went really well and I can't help it!!! It's my first yard sale that actually made $$$ The church about a half mile from us was having a huge rummage sale and tons of people were going to it, and saw my signs. Man made money, Boy had a cookie and pop stand and made money. I made money. WOW! About 1/2 the stuff left. I even put out the crib and changing table. A big step for me....admitting that there likely won't be another baby to put in it. It didn't sell at the sale, but since then I have been contacted by a girl who wants to buy it. I've also sold some of my curriculum since the sale ended! I took 5 boxes and 2 bags (including ALL my Mary Kay bags-another biggie!) to charity. I have 3 boxes to take to Once Upon a Child. And tons of curriculum that I am still slowly selling through And I put out a bunch of Scrapbooking stuff. I did sell a little bit of it, but ended up packing it back up. I don't have the heart to just "get rid of it". Maybe next time.

Oh, and I showed Man's beds to two families during the sale, and one of them placed an order yesterday. OH, and during the sale on Friday I was contacted by a realtor that wanted to show the house on Saturday to a couple from Cincinnati. So Friday night, I spent trying to put the house back together. I think the showing went well, as yesterday (Monday) they drove back up to see it again. Prayers going up, fingers crossed, etc. Their house is already sold, so they have to move fairly quickly. The realtor said it was between our house and one other. I hope they chose ours...but then we will have to move fairly quick and we still haven't found a place to move. God will provide. I had been praying that we would be moved before I had to go back to work....I go back to work in 17 days. So....

The garden is doing really well, I was going to do a "state of the garden" address on the 10th, but the garden may not get harvested by us!

Here's praying the house sells today....I'll keep you updated...then I might be having a MOVING sale!