Monday, July 12, 2010


We love Danny. 
 But he has an issue....he is a chewer. 
It takes 3 seconds flat for him to find the most important item in the room, and destroy it. 
I woke up from my nap to see that he had a snack of my badge...I thought about bringing him to work to swipe on the card reader...but I was pretty sure that wouldn't work.  I did feel silly saying, "my dog ate my badge"..but at least I had proof.

Danny has eaten:

  • a roll of electrical tape

  • 2 of Kristl's stuffed toys (her cow and her baby)

  • Boy's New shoes

  • My Badge

  • Man's sandpaper

  • Ugly Bunny (stuffed toy)

  • Corner of my angel picture

  • Jewler's box

  • Corner of a pad of watercolor paper

  • 7 pens/pencils
It takes about 14.2 seconds from the time you leave him inside, until he has found SOMETHING he shouldn't have to eat.
So....this week....I was able to get him a cage from someone on freecycle.

He does NOT like it.  Boy is trying to convince him it's OK.  Think he is convinced?
Please don't call CPS on me...I didn't keep the kid in the cage!!
I promise!!

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