Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun days on the Farm

Today was a random, nothing much kind of day...but I took some picture so you can see what goes on.

Here is the dogs running the pasture.  Kristl & Iona playing together.  Iona doesn't take Kristl nearly as seriously as Kristl does.

Boy can Iona RUN!

Stormy stood outside the pasture and barked and barked (rather than come through the gate, he decided tor try to come through the fence...BTW, he doesn't fit and is stuck in this picture.)

I made homemade Chimichangas for dinner with pulled pork I made over the weekend.  It was the BEST left overs!!

Here is the progress of the plants in the laundry room.

Tomatoes (We had 99% germination rate on our tomatoes!!)

Cherry Pear Tomatoes, Tomatillos (for Salsa) and Celery(!)

SugarBaby Watermelon (the personal size ones) and Cantaloupe
Cucumbers (2 kinds)
Newly germinated cantaloupes, Zucchini and Broccoli.  Also rainbow peppers off to the left.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Those chimis look great!