Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Berry Barn Party

Good friends of our family celebrated milestone birthdays today by having a party at a working farm called "the Berry Barn".  It was a lot of fun.  Man joked that when we get together with our friends, it's the only time he takes off of work.  He took the!

Their youngest daughter is one of Zachary's best friends, and she spent the night at our house.  Her older sister turned 13 and had a slumber party, so we wanted her to have something special to do too. 

Boy and she had great fun getting dressed up for the party.  What was especially fun and somewhat disturbing is that he now almost fits in the cowboy hat and cowboy boots that his daddy wore when I met him....he's getting way too big!

It was fun seeing the berry barn. Some of the old "stuff" that is in their barn is also lurking in our barn waiting for us to bring it back to life!

Then there was horseback riding.  Boy LOVED it.  Especially after last weekend at the Evan's barn mucking stalls.  These are halflingers.  This ones name is Joseph.

When we returned home, he found a baby bird that was out of its nest and couldn't yet fly.

Finally, we are still missing Stormy something awful.  Boy and Kristl have been loving on each other more to help each other with the loneliness.

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