Friday, May 14, 2010

Good Friends

Sometimes in life we are blessed with friends that just go out of their way to make our lives better.  My friend Myra is one of those people.  No matter how busy she seems to be, she takes the time to help me out.  I sent out a cry for prayer to my circle of homeschool friends, and know that they were praying and that really helps.  But Myra put feet on those prayers.  She showed up at the house with 3 of 5 of her kids and set to work helping me make sense of the chaos this week has brought.  While I unloaded yet.another.load from the van, she planted all the plants I "relocated" from the other house.

Her son, Noah, is Boy's best boy friend.  He also had his best girl friend over on Friday too!  So what a great day he had!!

Thank you, Myra.  Your love and friendship are more than I deserve!

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