Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scattery and sick....

I've been wanting to post, but we've all gotten the nasty head cold that is going around.  UG.  The boy has had it for over  a week now.  I only had to suffer for about 3 days (Yeah, Probiotics!!)  But I'm still very scatter-minded.  This should be a better week.

I changed #19 on my 101 list after much consideration.  It was Attempt to go Vegatarian for a month.  First of all, I am seriously a much so that I know that Vegatarian is spelled wrong, but every attempt to correct it seems to look wrong as in keeping it real, I would likely not accomplish that goal...instead I put one in place that is doable.

Do 20 things that I have "pinned" on Pinterest.  So rather than just sit on my backside looking at pictures and pinning them, I am getting up to do them.  I just need to be better at actually taking the photos of them and uploading those.  Already we have 4 done.  One of which, I proudly can say I did yesterday!

I made homemade from scratch pita bread for lunch yesterday.  It was De-Lish!!  Will be doing that one again.

On a funny side note, I found a list of 10 things to expect when you dine with a food blogger.  Now don't get me wrong, I have never claimed to be a food blogger....I'm not really a consistant "anything" blogger and I think I now how 5 readers (Waves: "HI"), but after making the pita bread, my son asked one of the points in the list. Before ever taking a bite he asked "Have you taken a picture of these? Or is the light not good."  Hahaha.

Anyway, thanks for tuning in...I'll be back for my newsy update tomorrow while I'm waiting for the bread to rise!

Love y'all!


Anonymous said...

awwwwwww....nasty colds! well i'm glad you're all on the mend!! can't wait to see more blogging :-)

Niki said...

Can't wait to see the projects!