Monday, March 22, 2010

New Day Olds

It seems so many of my posts start with "New additions to the Homestead..." this month is no different.  Today, Boy and I drove up to the Meyer Hatchery to pick up our new chickies.  He has 4 white silkies that will be shown in the Fancy Poultry division of 4H and then they will be our incubators (as they tend to go broody easily.)  They are straight run so we don't know yet if we have boys or girls.  But the names we've come up with for them are: Sugar, Marshmellow, Snowflake and Stuff'n'Fluff.

Also added to the brood (these are all female-they say)
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Buff Orpingtons
4 Americaunas

Yes, I tend to do everything in's called "Noah Homesteading". :)

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