Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy....but Sad

We're so happy about the farm. It seems to be just what we are looking for. I've been working all weekend with my mom and dad to get everything painted and ready for the movers. The boy seems to be allergic to the house (previous owners cats we think) so that is a concern....but I am also just a bit sad.

Things haven't gone as we had hoped (do they ever??) Our current home is in a state of disarray which makes everyone cranky. Business is backed up (which is a blessing in disguise), but that makes it difficult to transition to a new building that frankly is full of junk that needs cleaned out. Also our job. It doesn't look promising that we will get a buyer in time, so we may have to give the house back to the bank. This is so against what we are all about, but being against the wall... We are still praying that a buyer will come in soon and we'll be able to fulfill our obligations, please do pray too!

School is not going well...I guess understandably, but it has not gone well for so long even before the move, etc. We are frustrated that a kid that is smart just doesn't seem to care. We've gone through all the options to figure out how to fix the problem, but it comes down to the boy's attitued to do what needs done. We can't make him care.

I am still working way too many hours at work, but that too is a blessing....and a curse. The extra income is nice, but it is tearing apart the family as I am never home or asleep. Activities outside of the house have ceased to exist. All there work, sleep, eat, school (while sleeping) and back to work...and now working at the new house and coordinating all that needs to get done to transition.

Then on top of everything, something has gone wrong with the plumbing at the old house (making it even less likely that it will sell) and we have no water pressure and only a trickle of water coming out. We've had to drive the 30 miles each way to the new house to take a shower! I tried to call some plumbers, but their prices just to try to figure out what is wrong are out of this world...I am in the wrong line of work!!

Sorry for a negative post, but things are just really overwhelming right now and 3 weeks is a long time to wait for relief (and even then we will still be trying to get used to a whole new place). Please pray!!


Niki said...

It's not a negative post, just a truthful post about your concerns.
Things will come together; they always do.
love you.

Dede Kiener said...

Give us pictures!!! (=